I am a 3rd-year Ph.D. student at CMU RI, co-advised by Prof. Michael Kaess and Prof. Wenzhen Yuan.
I am generally interested in robotics, computer vision, and machine learning.
My research is about superhuman tactile sensing, including actively estimating physical properties and creating high-resolution 3D reconstructions.
Real-time, robust, and accurate tactile-based tracking for novel objects, including low-textured ones like ping pong balls and eggs.
Useful for manipulation, in-hand manipulation, and 3D reconstruction tasks.
Our pancake preparation robot integrates advanced sensory and control algorithms to mix batter with precise uniformity, estimate its properties, and pour it into specified shapes.
High-precision liquid viscosity and volume estimation using only tactile sensing.
Our approach can even estimate sugar concentration within water based on slight viscosity variations.
A planning algorithm with guaranteed bounds on the probability of safety violation, which nonetheless achieve non-conservative performance.
Tested on a self-driving truck in a real-world environment.